Sunday, March 7, 2010

Study Guide for the Age of Exploration Test - Friday, March 12th!!!!

The Age of Exploration
Study Guide - 2010

How and Why the Great Age of Exploration Began

(Great Age of Exploration power point, Chap 1 Section 4)

I am looking for you to be able to discuss how the following all contributed to the start of the Great Age of Exploration

  • The Decline of Feudalism
  • The Renaissance
  • The Crusades
  • Revival of Towns of Trade

Christopher Columbus – Hero or Villain?

(Chap 1 Section 5)
Do you know the good and bad perceptions of Columbus? Why should we still teach about Columbus?

Explorers and Conquistadors

(The Explorers and Conquistadors Charts you completed in class from our EXPLORERS CONVENTION, the Readings from all three sections we covered in this unit from your book – Chap 1 sec 5, Chap 2 sec 1, and Chap 2 sec 2- )

You need to be able to explain why they are remembered today, what is their ‘Claim to Fame”?

Important Questions and Terms to Know

(All homeworks, Notes in class, and any other possible handouts in class)

In the 15th century – what did Europeans really know about world geography? (Think of the Behaim globe).

Who was Zheng He? Where did he go? Why have we not heard of him until recently?

What was the Northwest Passage? What role did it play in having Europeans come over to America?

The Caravel – what made is so useful to explore the “Sea of Darkness”?

The Treaty of Tordesillas (1494) – What were the conditions of this treaty? Why was it so unrealistic?

Importance of the printing press- Who invented it? What is it so important?

The Spanish Empire in the New World – Chap 2 Sec 3 – make sure you know this

The Columbian Exchange? What is this? Explain the positive and negative effects

Encomienda? What is this?

Treatment of Native Americans – how were they treated? Remember the account of Bartolomeau de las Casas

What led to the revival of trade and towns?

How did the Italian city-states of Genoa and Venice come to control European trade with Asia?

Why was Prince Henry eager to find an all-water route to Asia? – look in notes

What was Christopher Columbus really looking for?

How did Spain succeed in conquering so much of the Americas? (Think of the 4 reasons)

What were the four levels of Spanish society in the New World?

What were some of the main crops grown on colonial plantations?

Other Vocab to know

Missionary, conquistador, encomienda, circumnavigate, manor system, caravel

Class notes, readings from the textbook, and homework assignments will help you prepare – in a big way!!

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